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McMackin Mechanical Furnace Replacement

5 Tell Tale Signs You Need To Replace Your Furnace

With the colder months behind us, it’s always a good time to reflect on your home’s overall performance during the winter – particularly your boiler or furnace. How did your utility costs add up? Was your home comfortable? Did you struggle with repairs during the heating season?

Beyond the cost and comfort of your home, there are other tell tale signs that your furnace is nearing the end of its life. We list those signs below.


Nothing lasts forever, even your furnace or boiler. You can expect most furnaces to give you 16 and 20 years of reliable service. Some can go further and some of the older furnaces can hang in, albeit with far less efficiency. If you know the age of your furnace and you are at or near the 20 year mark, you should consider a replacement.

Utility Bills

As mentioned above, older furnaces are far less efficient and have to work harder and for longer periods of time to meet your heating demands. If your heating bills continue to climb or the efficiency of your system is not meeting expectations, then you might want to consider a newer, more modern setup that meet today’s consumer standards.

This is especially true in light of considerably higher fuel costs over the past several months. If you believe that the cost of energy is going to remain high into next winter, you might want to hedge your bet and consider installing a high efficiency system that can save you money in the long run and soften the blow of next year’s utilities.

Did You Need Repairs?

Just like cars, chronic issues and frequent repairs can mean diminishing returns. It could be that investing in a new system is worth it rather than overpaying for expensive service calls and replacement parts. It can be easy to dismiss what service techs tell you when they diagnose an issue and continue to roll the dice but at some point, you’re going to have to consider their advice before it becomes too late and you’re faced with an emergency situation.

Are You Comfortable?

If you are settling for a lower temperature in your home due to increased utility costs, or if certain parts of your home are struggling to keep warm, it could be a sign that your system is not meeting demand and could be struggling to warm your home efficiently and evenly.

Is your Furnace Making Noise?

McMackin Mechanical Furnace ReplacementA more blatant and obvious sign that something is wrong with your system is if it’s making more noise than it should. Is it banging, squealing, or clanking? Is your blower or circulators whining or screeching? If so, you may need to think about replacing your system.

The spring and summer months are the perfect time to think about the colder months ahead. Allow yourself the time you have now to plan and budget for your replacement. Get quotes now and consider the cost of a new system in relation to any other expensive plans or home project you might take on. Also consider if you can honestly make it through another winter without a replacement and if you are OK with your furnace needing to be replaced during the winter months when you need it the most.

McMackin Mechanical has decades of experience servicing and installing furnaces and boilers. If you think your system needs to be replaced before the colder months ahead, give our team a call. They can run through all the options with you and help you plan and schedule your replacement. Take the stress and anxiety out of heating your home and leave it to McMackin Mechanical to offer professional service and fair pricing on superior work. To get started on a quote, give our office a call today.

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